
Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar: Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar PDF

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    Publisher Goodman Games
    Stock Number GMG5225PDF
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A DCC Lankhmar RPG adventure boxed set!

From the most famous city in the history of fantasy comes a sword-and-sorcery adventure that only the best gamers will survive!

The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar is a Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure that sends characters into the hot cellars beneath Thieves' House, across the sooty rooftops of the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, and on to a mad dash through the palace of the Overlord. This boxed set comes with everything you need to run an epic adventure over several sessions, whether you run it stand-alone or as part of an ongoing campaign.

The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar was first run as a tournament at GenCon 2019, where 20 nationally competitive teams competed over four fantastic days and three hard-fought rounds. Characters died alone, lost beneath Thieves' House, as their torches burnt out, one by one. After 44% of tables experienced TPKs, and nearly six in ten PCs were killed, one team survived to win the tournament. How will your players compare?


  • A 68-page booklet containing the adventure
  • A 20-page book of player handouts
  • A 16-page player pack
  • A 48-page judge's pack
  • A 12-page scoring sheet
  • Luck tokens for using Fleeting Luck
  • A huge rooftop chase map, to simulate the chase across the rooftops of Lankhmar

Bonus Adventure: Dicing With Death

A complete stand-alone adventure designed to be deployed when characters die in the main adventure.

Officially licensed from the estate of Fritz Leiber.