
City Builder Volume 10: Governmental Places

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  • File Size 9.25 MB ZIP
    Publisher Skirmisher Publishing, LLC
    Stock Number SKPE0832
  • This is a digital file.

City Builder Volume 10: Governmental Places is the tenth volume in a series of 11 complementary books designed to help guide Game Masters through the process of creating exciting and compelling urban areas and places within them for their campaigns. It is a universal resource that is not specific to any particular game system and is intended to be compatible with the needs of almost any ancient, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, fantasy, or other role-playing milieu.

i>City Builder Volume 10: Governmental Places examines venues associated with and controlled by the ruling powers of a community or state. Characters might decide to visit such places for any number of reasons, but might also find themselves summoned or unwillingly taken to some of them. Contents of this book include:

  • An Introduction that describes the scope of the series and how to use the material in this volume;
  • Sections devoted to descriptions of Audience Chambers, Barracks, Courthouses, Guardhouses, Harbors and Harbormasters' Offices, Jails, Manors, Palaces, Prisons, and Workhouses;
  • One to three Adventure Hooks tying in with each described sort of place.
  • This download includes low-resolution screen-friendly and high-resolution printer-friendly versions of its cover surfaces, low- and high-resolution versions of its interior pages, and a text-only version of its interior pages.

    Written by Michael J. Varhola / Jim Clunie