
EABA v1.1

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  • File Size 9.4 MB ZIP
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    Publisher BTRC
    Stock Number BTR6101
    UPC / ISBN 0-943891-38-8
  • This is a digital file.

There are free RPGs and there are open source RPGs. And then there is EABA.

EABA is the result of a lot of thought, hard work, and grueling playtesting. We wanted to make a system that was realistic, heroic, fast, flexible, and all the other buzzwords you've come to expect. It's got plenty of original ideas, but we're also not afraid to borrow from some of the best games that have gone before. We wanted a system for the 21st century, one that could be entirely Internet-based and computer-friendly. Initially, EABA was only available as a download or on mini-CD. You wanted a printed copy? You had to print it at home. Now, you can get it as a PDF or as a print-on-demand copy. How much does the PDF version of EABA cost? Thirteen bucks. Keep the savings over normal game prices, or use it to buy a couple EABA supplements . . .

EABA is fully hyperlinked, color-coded, indexed, and organized into 150 pages of roleplaying goodness. And if you don't have access to color printer or won't be reading it from a computer screen, we've got a grayscale version optimized for laser printers. Don't let the plain cover image fool you. We've got a dozen full-color alternate covers in high and low resolution on our website. Choose the one you want to customize your game!

This version includes both the color and grayscale versions of the EABA version 1.1 PDF.


Written by Greg Porter