
JagdPanther Magazine #6

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    Publisher Amarillo Design Bureau
    Stock Number ADBJP06
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Take another journey with us back to 1974, when a small wargame club in Amarillo Texas (led by Steve Cole) produced an award-winning magazine filled with articles, variants, and reviews. Production values had not improved, and we still printed on that insane 14" paper. (The pages are divided in half for this PDF version.) Cover art by James McNease (aka "The Wazoo").

This issue includes several features:

  • The usual editorials, news, and some flamewar stuff.
  • Chess as a wargame.
  • A review of a game we published (Rigelian Wars). Turns out, we could not spell Rigellian.
  • The World War III super-variant. This was a series of extension maps for an SPI NATO game adding Austria, Denmark, Berlin, Northern Norway, the Balkans, and Taiwan. Rules were included to play the game simultaneously with other games covering the Middle East and China.
  • There was a huge section of Q&A about military history, terms, tactics, and equipment.
  • Other articles/variants included Bismarck, Diplomacy, Heavy Cruiser, Kriegsmarine, and others.

Quality varies from page to page, as this is a scan of a 39 year old copy that wasn't printed very well (from typewritten plates). Some pages are difficult to read but are the best we can do and you can, with patience, figure them out.

Written by Stephen Cole