
The Sinking: Politics Unusual

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    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number UA034
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Welcome to The Sinking, Campaign Serial.

Politics Unusual, written by Rob Manning, is part of an ongoing series set in the Great City. This is not a numbered adventure in a path, but instead it concerns a mysterious event that will forever alter the Great City, setting the tone for future events. Throughout the year, Øone Games will release a number of short adventures whose various plots are all somehow entwined with the event. Each will be a stand-alone adventure, designed to be played independently without a specific sequence and can be completed in a single evening's play.

When a headstrong Azindralean politician seeks to launch a campaign to seize control of his district, his chief security officer hires the PCs to ensure his enemies cannot transform his opening speech into a riot. Emphasizing wit and subtlety, they must siphon through the crowd of followers and disperse potential troublemakers as peaceably as possible. Under no circumstances should they besmirch the campaign of hope with bloodshed. Yet even if they succeed, a final enemy plots their demise. He only waits for their victory to trick them into lowering their guards.

Politics Unusual is an adventure for the Pathfinder RPG System for 4th-level player characters.

Written by Rob Manning